BATH ACE SDN BHD was established and started its operation in 2016. BATH ACE SDN BHD is a locally incorporated company having its business office at Glenmarie Shah Alam, Selangor.
Bath Ace provides a wide range of solutions for bathrooms and kitchens. All the products are reliable and established factories are carefully selected to produce REIGN in house designed products and they offered their qualities products in impressive design at affordable price.
REIGN innovation and commitment have led them to produce these remarkable pieces to ensure enduring enjoyment of the functionality and visual excellence. REIGN are recognized with endorsements by SIRIM BS EN 200 2008 BS EN 1213 2000 BS EN 817 2008 and CIDBH MS 795 1 2011 MS 1522 2011 MS 147 2001 MS 2578 2014.
No. 29-6 & 31-6, Block C2, Jalan PJU 1/39,
Dataran Prima, 47301 Petaling Jaya,